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Llythyron / Letters

Penodiad Dirprwy Bennaeth / Deputy Headteacher Appointment

Llythyr Ymgynghoriad Canolfan Adnoddau Dysgu Newydd / Consultation Letter New Learning Resource Base

Llythyr Diogelwch Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol / Social Media Safety Letter

Pwysig - Llythyr am Ginio Ysgol / Important -School Lunches letter

Llythyr pwysig am archebu cinio ysgol / Important Letter regarding school lunch ordering

Archebu cinio o Ionawr 2024 January Lunch ordering system

Llythyr Ymaelodi â'r Urdd / Urdd Membership Letter

Gwersi Cymraeg i oedolion / Welsh lessons for adults

Bl / Yr 3-6 Clwb Ffotograffiaeth / Photography Club

Llythyr Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb / Relationships and Sexuality Education Letter

Llythyr gwybodaeth Medi / September Information Letter

Llythyr Gofal yn yr Haul / Sun Safety Letter

Llythyr Darpariaeth Cinio am Ddim / Free School Meal Provision Letter

Sialens Ddarllen yr Haf/ Summer Reading Challenge

Mabolgampau/Sports Day

Clybiau Chwaraeon Haf Urdd Sports Summer Camps

Llythyr gan Prif Weithredwr y Cyngor / Letter from Chief Executive of the Council

Diogelwch yn yr haul / Sun safety

Llythyr Disgyblion Mwy Abl a Thalentog / More Able and Talented Pupils' Letter

Cinio Arbennig Brenin Siarl/Coronation Lunch 5.5.23

Dydd Garddio / 'Groundforce' Day

Llythyr Cinio Am Ddim Bl 1 a 2 / Yr 1&2 Free School Meal letter

Streic 15 & 16.3.23 Strike

Llythyr am streic NEU Strike Letter

Streic 2.3.23 Strike

Llythyr am Streic NEU Strike Letter

Llythyr am Streic NEU Strike Letter

Streic 14.2.23 Strike

Llythyr SHINE Letter

Streic 1.2.23 Strike

Llythyr am Streic Undeb NEU / Letter re NEU Union Strike Action

Llythyr Rhybuddio a Gwybodaeth Dwymyn Goch / Scarlet Fever Warn and Inform Letter

Cyngor i rieni ar Twymyn Goch a Strep A / Advice to parents on Strep A and Scarlet Fever

Llythyr Gwybodaeth Twymyn Goch / Information Letter re. Scarlet Fever

Cais am wirfoddolwyr / Request for volunteers

Llythyr am ginio ysgol / Letter regarding school lunches

Neges bwysig ynghylch Covid / Important message re. Covid

Parent and Teacher Meetings - Nursery and Reception

Cyfarfodydd Rhieni/Parent and teacher evenings years 1,2,3,4,5 and 6

Prosiect SHINE Project

Ymaelodi â'r Urdd Membership

Llythyr Pwysig Seesaw/Important letter regarding Seesaw

Llythyr dechrau'r flwyddyn / Beginning of year letter

Cyngor Tywydd Poeth / Hot Weather Advice

Gweledigaeth a Gwerthoedd ein Cwricwwm / Vison and Values of our Curriculum

Llythyr Dylunio Cwricwlwm lleol / Building Local Curriculum letter

Cinio Ysgol am ddim o Medi 2022 / Free School Meals from September 2022